TOMS: One for One

9:21 AM Prueba 0 Comments

Have you ever imagined what it would be to walk on earth, clay or riverstones all day everyday?
No. Me neither.
At least after a few days ago when I had to think about it at the launch of the latest collection of TOMS.
Every shopper has a remote knowledge of what TOMS does, but at least in my case I had never really thought or dig a bit deeper in ther labor.
I must say that the little brunch we had was a very inspiring one where I got to know the roots and goals of the Project behind the Brand, born not as a business but as a way to keep funding the retribution to society that Blake Mycoskie was doing, and improve the lives of millions of children living in poverty.
 Everything started in a trip to Argentina where Blake, founder and owner of the company, met a woman who was looking for shoe donations to give childrens and members of communities in need.
Something as simple as shoes can really help to make a difference n the life of thousands you see, because running around barefoot can end up being a liability to their development. Many diseases are contracted through Little wounds and scratches on the feet caused by the rough surfaces they have to walk everyday. And many kids, without the proper care, can die of those infections.
"Preaching by example"- #mvastyle

So, after learning about the labor that woman was doing, he decided that he wanted to give back to society and look for a way that he could provide new shoes to people who needed them. But for that he needed to sell something so he could afford the donations. That is how TOMS was born. A Brand and a name that actually stands for Shoes for TOMorrow! 
He built an aliance with Children International to distribute the resources that depend on the needs and place required. Not that because you buy a pair of slippers a child in China will get the same. Shoes range from sneakers to snowboots depending on their needs.
Now, TOMS does not only want to improve the living conditions of children by providing them with shoes, but help them improve their lifes. That's why they started comercializing sunglasses as well to get the money for the glasses or surgery some people may need.
Picture the huge impact that this accesories  may have in life of some people. Shoes may prevent them from getting sick while being able to see can ensure that a child can see the black bord at school and learn. Or that an old farmer with cataracts can finally go back to work and help his family.
One of the things that inspired me the  most and I found quite remarkable  about Blake is that he is always looking ahead to find a way to improve those communities in need forever not only with a braand new pair of shoes. So, he started researching all the places TOMS was reaching and he found out that in places like Rwuanda, Honduras, Panama, Ethiopia and Colombia coffee was one of their primary industries but agricultures didn't seem to get much profit out of it. So, he decided to help communities process their own coffee creating Jobs and ensuring a better payment. Nevertheless big coffee companies have a monopoly over the coffee trade which led him to open 5 coffee shops in the US and 2 in Europe where this coffee is sold and can help the workers. Also, for every coffe bag you purchase a Liter of clean water is being given to men women and children who need it.  

 With Blake Mycoskie

 What else  can I tell you?
I learned a lot and wanted to share every piece of it with you guys, because one of the first steps of making a change is creating awarness.
I hope you got inspired as much as I am and that if you decide to buy something from TOMS now really know what it means and for that feel joy for contributing to a great cost.
ONE for ONE is the philosophy we should all live by.
Let's preach by example.
Xoxo, RWPF 

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