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96% of women around the world won't consider themselves beautiful.
Only 4% would actually accept being comfortable in their own skin, and that is shockingly wrong.
True beauty gets beyond appearance. The sort of beauty that captivates others and creates connections can only come from within to reflect on everything you do.
 A woman who feels good about herself, who knows she is beautiful, is a woman ready to take the bull by the horns.
But it is hard to feel that way, specially with so many characteristics encouraged by the media, that most people could not even aspire to have, simply because many of them aren't real. 
Girls nowadays feel the need to be extremely thin and slender, fit, have certain meassurenments, colors, etc when it is simply impossible to cast every human being in such standards without following and unhealthy lifestyle or with the help of photoshop.
That is why they feel bad about themselves, just because a magazine or certain campaigns encourage a specific look in which they can't be cast. We might believe different, we might love our curves or smile or messy hair when we wake up, but most of the time we yield  complete power of our self-esteem to stereotypes. 
Dove has engaged in a new challenge by trying to make women choose to be beautiful and regain control of their feelings by loving themselves.
I felt familiar with the sentiment of most girls who went through the "Average" door. It's harsh but it is true. 
And quite frankly, it is not because I feel bad about myself, but because the first thought that goes through my mind is: What would people think?
That moment is when I realize how we can't just give others the right to control  how we feel every single day. I dislike lots of things about my body. I wish I had super skinny legs and a thig gap but even if I starve myself, according to my nutriologist, that will never be. So I might as well keep going to the gym, eating healthy and continue nourishing my body to leave a good quality life where I shall learn how to accept myself. 
I do not know about you, but how would you feel if another person told you what you tell yourself every day in the mirror? 
That you are fat or have a big nose, too many freckles or any negative statement you could think of. Would this person be your friend? NO! 
Then become your best friend. In the end you are the only one able to pull yourself together and keep going. Focus on changing what you are able to change and consider the fact that having a six pack won't secure you a happy home, friends, or partner so always remember to be a beautiful human being. Choose to be beautiful. 
I would urge you to think about this. 
It is really sad to see a person in the mirror and completely dislike her. It is not bad to like yourself, contrary to common believe, thinking you are beautiful is not about being presumed, it is even better than thinking someone else is. 
Let's help Dove raise awareness and pursuit the cause by sharing your pictures and comments with the hashtag #ChooseBeautiful and #EligeSerBella over social media! 
Choose to like your eyes, hair, body, smile, like yourself but always rememer that appereances don't matter if you have an ugly heart. 
Xoxo, RWPF

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