Artistic Behavior

12:00 AM Prueba 0 Comments

You guys might have know that I love fashion, but I've recently rediscovered how much I love contemporary art. Not just the colors or shapes, but also the message it transmits.
5 years ago I would have never thought about writing as a career, but I've found a great amusement in playing with words and giving them the power to control emotions.
On sunday I went with my family to Zona Maco, an art fair where artists and galleries from all around the world expose the most incredible creations.
I really enjoyed it. To walk around I chose a very casual look.
Instead of denim I picked a new jocker: Burgundy jeans. Really cool and comfy, paired with a t-shirt from the W house of Fashion event.
My first option was a black Bebe blazer, but the summer is approaching and I found this military linen coat more suitable to layer and not die in the heat of the city.
The studded clutch is a creation by the talented mexican designer Ivan Ávalos which perfectly combined with my latest nail design. Like it ? I'll post a tutorial soon.
For the first time on the blog I present to you my new favourite pair of shoes, my loves, my inspiration, my pointy Ralph Lauren babies in blue patent leather... just melt my heart.
In the end the printed shirt merged perfectly with this colorful and inspirational experience.

Xoxo, Roberta W.P.F

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