By Kilian

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The entrepreneur, perfumer and grandson of LVMH founder Kilian Hennessy was in Mexico City to launch his fragrance collection exclusively at Saks Fifth Avenue.
By Kilian is the name of a series of limited edition perfume, manufactured in France attempting to bring back the beauty and luxury of nineteenth century perfumery with a contemporary twist.

The creator things that a perfumeprotects you in the morning, while in the evening can be your ally. That's why he always prefer to focus on the positive things  in life and try to project this through his work. Kilian is clear that those who seek beauty in a perfume, is looking for the positive in life.

By Kilian-Perfume as an Art-is now on sale at Saks Fifth Avenue Santa Fe in Mexico City and represents the "haute couture" in the world of fragrances.
                                                                                                                                     Roberta W.P.F

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