17th Birthday!
Hey guys!!! So first of all, I wanted to thank you for all your birthday wishes.
I honestly can't be more gratefull. So far it's been the longest celebration I've had in a long time, if we don't count that trip to Disney when I turned 9, but that's another story.
I told you I was going to start celebrating on Wednesday and I did...
Every year I make a HUGE deal about my birthday.
And by huge I mean that I start bugging people uppon the matter in September ...
(I just think they should know it's coming haha)
What can I say, it is a very important date for me.
The funny thing though, is that the meaning has change.
As a girl all I wanted to do was feel like a princess... wear my Cinderella, Snow White, Belle or whatever princess costume I had selected for that year and play with my friends.
When I graduated from elementary school I felt really important and grown up by taking my friends to brunch someplace nice.
It made me feel the difference between the years before and the years ahead. It was about growing.
Now, now that the inminent time when I turn 18 is just a year ahead it's all about the people I love.
Because people have come and left and as you grow old, from the 30 that used to play with you the princess, only 3 stick around, and others you never tough would join and play are now very close to you.
So this year I invited some of my friends to go grab lunch in a pretty cool place called Spuntino at the Lincoln Park in Polanco.
My Vintage Armoire is my baby and it wouldn't be the same without this kind of experiences.... and shoes.
SHOES are the most important. Above all.
And i'm obviously kidding, but I did get a great amount of this, together with great books, cards, music and cakes.
Oh yeah, I got 3 cakes this time. Because people just like to spoil me. (or make me fat)
The first one courtesy of two good friends who appear in the pics below, who managed to make a signal to the waiter to bring me a slice of nougat cake.
I would not have noticed if it hadn't been for the great resemblance of the signal with the feathers on the head of a rooster.
Discretion is definitely not their thing, but nice gestures...completely.
My mom made me another one with fashinable things.. even in My Vintage Armoire Purple.
She knows my style.
The last one was given to me the exact day, Friday the 13th of December... yes, yes the 13th.
In fact I was born on a Friday 13, seventeen years ago and every time this two dates collide seems like I get good luck.
Well one of my friends made me a carrot cake for the Christmas dinner I had that evening.
So as you may see I had lot's of sugar, that can now explain my hyperactivity that night.
But to be more serious: my 17's wouldn't have been as good if I didn't have this handsome people and you guys on it.
Thanks to them I have this huge energy and happiness most of the time and thanks to you a space to share my own journey and dreams that are slowly becoming true (by having more shoes of course).
My handsome friends ♥
Thanks for everything guys, as corny as it may sound.. I love you!
Blouse/ H&M
Watch/ Pertegaz
Satchel/ Louis Vuitton
Necklace/ Tiffany & Co.
Xoxo, Roberta W.P.F
Photos by Paulina GarcÃa
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